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Informazioni Personali
Informazioni Didattiche


  • 04 March 2013 Associate professor at the Department of Biology, University of Bari
    02 January 2012 Affiliate Professor at Genome Science Department (University of Washington – Seattle - Washington)
  • 02 January 2004 Researcher (Assistant Professor, permanent position) at the Biotechnology Sciences Faculty (Actual position)
  • 07 March 2003 Ph.D in Genetics and Molecular Evolution, University of Bari, with the thesis “Human Genome Plasticity: Pericentromeric regions and Neocentromeres”
  • 21 July 1999 Graduate in Biological Sciences, University of Bari, (Italy) with “110/110 cum laude” (equivalent to First Class Honors) with the thesis in Cytogenetics “evolution of chromosome X in Lemurs”


  • 2015-2018 Tutor of RTD (Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato, Dr. Claudia Rita Catacchio) for the project: Valorizzazione del potenziale genetico di varietà di uve da tavola come strategia di coltivazione e gestione ecocompatibile della risorsa idrica
  • 2013-2016 Associate Professor at PhD in Evolutionary and Environmental Sciences
  • 2004-2008 Apprenticeship Commission member in the Biotechnology Sciences Faculty
  • 2004-2012 Assistant Professor in PhD School in Genomics and Proteomics
  • From 2003 teaching several courses of Genetics and Molecular Genetics in Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Major


  • 2001 EMBO Short-term fellowship for the project “Evolution of pericentromeric regions and their plasticity”. The project was performed at the Newcastle University in the Human Genetics Laboratory (Tom Strachan Director).
  • 2006 Winner of the prize “Cataldus d’Argento”. Selection for the best young Italian researcher (work field).
  • 2007 Fulbright Research Scholarship for the project “Research Project: Human Genome Structural Variation and Genetic Disease”. The project was performed at the University of Washington- Seattle (Dr. E.E.Eichler).
  • 2007 Winner for the competition “Premio Ponzano per la scienza”. Selection for the best young Italian researcher.

As Principal Investigator:

  • 2012-2017 Futuro in Ricerca 2010-RBFR103CE3 “Variazione genomiche strutturali in primati e mammiferi: nuove prospettive per studiare l'evoluzione dell'uomo
  • 2010-2013 PON02_00186_2866121 “Promozione di Processi ECO_sostenibili per la valorizzazione delle Produzioni agroalimentari Pugliesi (ECO_P4)”
  • 2010-2013 ERC in co-PI with Tomas Marques-Bonet Identification and characterization of primate structural variation and an assessment of intra-specific patterns of selection and copy-number variation” ESR-LS2_260372
  • 2007-2010 PRIN about “Genomic Organization and Sequence Characterization of Primate Pericentromeric Regions” 2007Z5X4YA_001
  • 2007-2003 Post-doc position funding for the project: BAC contigs through genomic library screenings to characterize pericentromeric regions in Primates”
    2005 National University Funding about “Neocentromeres analysis in clinical cases and evolution”
  • 2004 National University Funding about “Chromosomal inversions and segmental duplications”
  1. Cardone MF, D’Addabbo P, Alkan C, Bergamini C, Catacchio CR, Anaclerio F, Chiatante G, Marra A, Giannuzzi G, Perniola R, Ventura M# and Antonacci D# #Corresponding authors (2016) Inter-varietal structural variation in grapevine genomes. The Plant Journal In press
  2. Catacchio CR, Ragone R, Chiatante G, Ventura M. (2015) Organization and evolution of Gorilla centromeric DNA from old strategies to new approaches. Scientific Reports. 2015 Sep 21;5:14189. doi: 10.1038/srep14189
  3. Giannuzzi G, Pazienza M, Huddleston J, Antonacci F, Malig M, Vives L, Eichler Ee, Ventura M (2013). Hominoid Fission Of Chromosome 14/15 And The Role Of Segmental Duplications. Genome Research, Issn: 1088-9051, Doi: 10.1101/Gr.156240.113
  4. Ventura M, Catacchio Cr, Sajjadian S, Vives L, Sudmant Ph, Marques-Bonet T, Graves Ta, Wilson Rk, Eichler Ee. (2012). The Evolution Of African Great Ape Subtelomeric Heterochromatin And The Fusion Of Human Chromosome 2. Genome Research, Vol. 6, P. 1036-1049, Issn: 1088-9051
  5. Giannuzzi G, D'addabbo P, Gasparro M, Martinelli M, Carelli F.N, Ventura M. (2011). Analysis Of High-Identity Segmental Duplications In The Grapevine Genome. BMC Genomics, Issn: 1471-2164
  6. Alkan C, Cardone Mf, Catacchio Cr, Antonacci F, O'brien Sj, Ryder Oa, Purgato S, Zoli M, Della Valle G, Eichler Ee, Ventura (2011). Genome-Wide Characterization Of Centromeric Satellites From Multiple Mammalian Genomes. Genome Research, Vol. Jan;(21)1; P. 137-145, Issn: 1088-9051
  7. Ventura, Claudia R. Catacchio, Can Alkan, Tomas Marques-Bonet, Saba Sajjadian, Tina A. Graves, Fereydoun Hormozdiari, Arcadi Navarro, Maika Malig, Carl Baker, Choli Lee, Emily H. Turner, Lin Chen, Jeffrey M. Kidd, Nicoletta Archidiacono, Jay Shendure, Richard K. Wilson, And Evan E. Eichler (2011). Gorilla Genome Structural Variation Reveals Evolutionary Parallelisms With Chimpanzee. Genome Research, Issn: 1088-9051
  8. Cellamare A, Catacchio Cr, Alkan C, Giannuzzi G, Antonacci F, Cardone Mf, Della Valle G, Malig M, Rocchi M, Ventura (2009). New Insight Into Centromere Organization And Evolution From The White-Cheeked Gibbon And Marmoset. Molecular Biology And Evolution, Vol. 8; P. 1889-1900, Issn: 0737-4038
  9. Cardone MF, Jiang Z, D'addabbo P, Archidiacono N, Rocchi M, Eichler EE, Ventura (2008). Hominoid Chromosomal Rearrangements On 17q Map To Complex Regions Of Segmental Duplication. Genome Biology, Vol. 2, Issn: 1474-760
  10. Ventura M, Antonacci F, Cardone MF, Stanyon R, D'addabbo P, Cellamare A, Sprague Lj, Eichler Ee, Archidiacono N, Rocchi M (2007). Evolutionary Formation Of New Centromeres In Macaque. Science, Vol. 13; P. 243-246, Issn: 0036-8075
Tematiche di Ricerca


Centromeri e neocentromeri


Evoluzione cariotipica dei primati e mammiferi


Duplicazioni segmentali e impatto sulla struttura genomica

Parole Chiave








Duplicazioni segmentali