Advert closes midnight on: 17 Jun 2021

There is a three-year BBSRC funded opportunity for a postdoctoral associate to work in the laboratories of Bambos Kyriacou and Ezio Rosato on Cryptochrome and Magnetic fields in Drosophila. This is a joint grant with Richard Baines in Manchester. The experimental paradigms we use involve assessing circadian behaviour under magnetic fields (Leicester) and physiological recordings in identified neurons in flies (Manchester). Skills required include molecular biology, Drosophila genetics and behaviour. For informal enquiries please contact Bambos ( or Ezio (
To apply visit the University of Leicester jobs site at:

Genetics and Genome Biology

Vacancy terms:
Full-time fixed term contract for three years

Salary details:
Grade 7 £34,804 to £35,835 per annum due to funding restrictions

Hours per week:

About the role:
This role is to study the role of Cryptochrome in the mediation of magnetic field effects in Drosophila melanogaster. You will carry out experimental, analytical, administrative and science-communication work as required to support the Kyriacou/Rosato laboratories and liaise and collaborate with our partner laboratory in Manchester, headed by Prof Richard Baines.

About you:
With a PhD in molecular genetics or similar subject you will have experience in Drosophila gal4/gal80/UAS technology, qPCR, generating constructs for fly transformation and confocal microscopy. You must have a track record of contributing to peer-reviewed journal papers, ideally with experience of presenting results at meetings. You must be familiar with the standard techniques of molecular biology, molecular genetics and the behaviour of Drosophila. An interest in physics and magnetic fields would be helpful.
Additional information
Informal enquiries are welcome and can be made to Prof Bambos Kyriacou on or Dr Ezio Rosato on
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We’re committed to the wellbeing of all our staff and to the sustainability of our environment, on our campus and beyond. We offer a competitive salary package, excellent pension scheme and a generous annual leave allowance, along with opportunities to develop your career in a supportive and collaborative environment.

Three years Postdoctoral position available in Leicester (UK)

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