A PhD student position in Evolutionary and Population Genomics within the FutureData4EU programme is available at the University of Ferrara, under the supervision of Prof. Silvia Ghirotto.
The “FutureData4EU – Training Future Big Data Experts for Europe” project is funded under the “Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes – HORIZON-MSCA-2022-COFUND-01-01” call of Horizon Europe – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. FutureData4EU involves the launch of a doctoral programme with PhD positions at the University of Bologna (leading University) and at other Emilia-Romagna universities, such as the University of Ferrara. The FutureData4EU PhD programme will train a new generation of researchers with inter-disciplinary and transferable skills, supporting their career and providing them with the knowledge necessary to work with academic and business organisations, thanks to a large network of Associated Partners involved in the project, from highly reputed businesses to high-level national and international research centres and infrastructures in the field of Big Data.
The theme of the Doctoral Position at the University of Ferrara, Prof Ghirotto lab, is “Evolutionary perspective on health and medicine through the lens of paleogenomics”, with the main aim of shedding light on evolutionary/adaptation processes of archaic and ancient humans to past environments and pathogens, through the analysis of thousands of genomes available in the literature and leveraging state-of-art population genomics methods. The candidate will be requested to draft a research project within this topic to apply for the Doctoral Position.
Applications may only be submitted through the dedicated procedure available at https://studenti.unibo.it; all the information are available here https://site.unibo.it/futuredata4eu/en/phd-program
Eligibility of applicants.
The overall approach of MSCA FutureData4EU is to keep the call as inclusive as possible, in order to attract as many talented candidates as conceivable. The essential requirements to have at the call closure will be:
- Research Experience for doctoral candidates: at the deadline of the programme’s call, the DC will have to hold a degree entitling him/her to be enrolled in a doctoral programme (a master degree or equivalent); not having been awarded with a doctoral degree. The candidate should have a good computational background (basic knowledge of R, Python or Bash programming languages are mandatory); experience with cluster computing environments would be appreciated but it is not mandatory. The candidates must have a good knowledge of written and spoken English.
- Mobility requirements: candidates may not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Italy for more than 1 years in the 3 years immediately before the programme’s call closure.
The application deadline is June 28th, 2024, at 2:00 PM (CEST, Italian time).
For further information and clarification feel free to contact Silvia Ghirotto: ghrslv@unife.it