GiiN next great webinar will take place next Today 10th of May 2022 at 5PM (CET), via Zoom.

Claus Maria Azzalin, PhD
IMM, Lisbon, Portugal
Telomere transcription in telomerase-negative human cancer cells
Emilio Cusanelli, PhD
CIBIO, Trento, Italy
Transcription at human telomeres: new insights into TERRA biology
Francisca Lottersberger, PhD – Linköping University, Sweden
Maria Caterina Mione, PhD- CIBIO, University of Trento, Italy
Read more about the speakers on our website.
Meeting details:
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 891 8021 5384
Passcode: 054532

Please, feel free to share this event with your colleagues/departments/institutions.
All the best,
GiiN team